Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bend and Snap!

If you don't know what the title means I am ashamed of you. *face palm* Just kidding but still COME ON it's a quote from the best movie that Reese Witherspoon was in...... hints: blondes, blondes and more blondes? Legally Blonde. It says it right in the  movie title. I was watching it today and it's rated PG! PG is a really funny rating for this movie cause most stuff is a bit ina pro pro. But it's so funny and such a comical chick flick. Now onto more about ME of course. Well right now I'm in Brooklyn: the land of cars and honking, literally. That's all I hear out the window. Not like where I live where you hear birds and the wind. Like in a fairy tale  Iv'e been  using a lot of similes lately so my posts may be full of that. This is the most random post I will ever post on here buttttttt. If you've ever read Divergent (which if you haven't it would best to go to the library as soon as possible *CAUTION: I will not be responsible for any fan girling attacks at any point of the book*) well here in NY, there is a school called Amity School as in on of the four factions in the book (which by the way is the kind faction. Read Divergent and you'll understand half the things I'm saying). But my biffle forever and ever and ever (infinite) Francesca got me obsessed with the book. At first I wasn't too crazy about reading it. I thought it was going to be boring. But as it turned out it was For any of you who has had enough of me talking about Divergent you may leave if you want. But I will stop blabbing now since I do get quite boring. But tomorrow is Monday; another day of horror and work. Goodbye fellow bookworms


  1. Haha, Legally Blonde reference... that was a great movie right there! Aah, Brooklyn? WHAT? A Divergent school, this is awesome. Some cool place should totally make a college with different fraternities that are factions from the book, and they should have a ceremony so you can discover what faction you're in, a la Harry Potter. Agh, Mondays, going back to society. WHY?!

  2. Oh look! I'm your FRIEND Francesca. The one that showed you Divergent. Just your friend. Just a presence. That happens to love Divergent. Just a solid figure made of water and muscle and fat. That just HAPPENS TO LOVE DIVERGENT JUST. LIKE. YOU.

    1. As you see in the ABOVE UPDATED POST I CHANGED IT FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Jeez you are so weirddddd

    2. Thank you! ;D I love you infinitely too! <3...biffle!
